
Laser hair removal is Supposed to laser hair removal process to be safe, yet dubious claims and inappropriate equipment still lead to scams and injuries. Consumers themselves must know the pros and cons of laser hair removal to prevent himself from being cheated. The following points will help you make the right decision to be ready at the clinic.

1) and the sensitivity of the skin. Of the skin and can be very sensitive to damage instead of getting treatment. A technology called CoolGlide treatment of all skin types is known. Consult a professional to discuss and debate issues, and skin infections before treatment.

2) The degree of discomfort. We do not believe in the process, "without pain". All treatments are required to be uncomfortable. However, it is still away from the skin of the pain of waxing.

3) the possibility of re-growth. Laser hair removal is not possible to stop hair growth, but can reduce the growth rate permanently after hair cells are killed. If the doctor says to completely eliminate hair growth, you should ask for testimonials and get the initial test is in your best interest to tell you to achieve them.

4) The cost. Depending on the size of the area, which may reach U.S. $ 25 to $ 250 in the United States. You can compare the price ranges for various services to get a good sign. Can be considered to ask for exceptional reasons in the total cost, including overhead for your team.

5) The aging of the equipment. Ask about the type of laser used, and if effective, doctors once used the equipment and if there are latest models. You are entitled to know.

6) multiple treatment plans. It is very likely to return for treatments several within 2 weeks, then another session a separate, if necessary, within a year to eliminate regrowth, but asked him to return regularly without explanation a full and fair, if any, is simply a sign of incompetence. Beware of such tactics to force you to pay a lump sum in full. You deserve a good laser treatment as it is.

7) and security measures. Laser, if abused, can cause adverse effects. Review what precautions are taken, such as applying a protective layer of the sun on the skin or goggles.

8) and the practitioner. Who does this treatment? Doctor with experience or "magician"? Make sure the doctor is trained and qualified and certified to perform treatments.

9) to test the treatment. This is a simple application is that doctors have difficulty meeting. Costs incurred by the still, but the investigation is his first experience with laser hair removal to know how to deal according to the clinical setting.

10) Get written information. Obtain the written consent of all the commitments and the commitment and the distribution of costs from the doctor to make sure they are still faithful to the quality of governance.

If you are planning to start a business like this, and there are many things that must take into account first. One of the most important things is the location of your business. You should find a place exactly where it is very easy to access and where many people. On a busy part of town is a good location. High traffic area, where it is visible to the public is the best. It must also have a parking area for good customers. Must be on the exterior and interior design is also to be good planning.

The next thing you have to consider is the equipment and furniture. Must be the best models of the past, and if possible to ensure that you can provide the best services that people want. And appointment of staff trained and experienced follow-up.